Archives for September 2015 | The official blog for Raven's Eye

Clinton is a liar, but Trump is racist: Reasons given for voter preference.

Clinton is a liar, but Trump is racist: Reasons given for voter preferences.

A study done by the Raven’s Eye Research Team

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 4, 2015

Puyallup, WA--Raven’s Eye releases findings on perceptions of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

From August 28 to September 1, 2015, Raven’s Eye recruited a nationally representative sample of 396 adults in the United States via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Our study asked participants:
  1. If elections for President of the United States of American were held today, and your choice was between the following two candidates, for which one would you cast your vote?
( ) Hillary Clinton ( ) Donald Trump
  1. Over the course of a short paragraph, describe some of the main reasons why you would vote for the candidate you chose.
  2. Over the course of a short paragraph, describe some of the main reasons why you would NOT vote for the candidate that you DID NOT choose.